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«Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya» – pedagogy scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7294
Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.

Issued from 2014.

3 September 29, 2015

The History of National Education

1. Sergey I. Degtyarev
The Officialdom of the Russian Empire: Review of Western European and American Historiography of 1960th – 1980th

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2015, Vol.(5), Is. 3, pp. 100-110.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2015.5.100CrossRef

Analyzed studying the history of the bureaucracy of the Russian empire XVIII–XIX centuries in the West European and American historiography. The merit of the scientists was the study of not only the administrative and political development of officials of the Russian empire, but also its socio-psychological and personal aspects. For example, researchers are actively studying: the influence of Russian officials on economic and social life of the empire (L. Mises); psychological connection of the nobility and the representatives of other classes with public service (М. Raeff, Р. Dukes, W. Pintner); worldview of officials (R. Wortman); the transformation of officials into a separate social and administrative group (J. Hassell); personnel of different state institutions (J.P. LeDonne, R.D. Givens, R. Wortman); system of service incentives (H.A. Bennett); the impact of the progressive representatives of the higher bureaucracy for reforms of the first half of the nineteenth century (W.B. Lincoln) etc. Special attention is paid to scientific use members of the American school of russistika, the appearance of which is associated with the beginning of the exchange of experience between the Soviet and American researchers in the 60-70 years of the twentieth century.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1444134246.pdf
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Pedagogical Research

2. Ruslan A. Khachidogov
Some Aspects of the Contemporary Education of the Moslems of the North Caucasus

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2015, Vol.(5), Is. 3, pp. 111-115.
DOI: 10.13187/Zhmnp.2015.5.111CrossRef

In the article on the basis of little-known materials are investigated the problems of the Moslem formation of first fourth OF KHKH1 of century in the North Caucasus. It is proven that in the region is paid the considerable attention to the optimization of the system of konfessionalnogo formation, its adaptation to the conditions of the All-Russian political system of the state of formation, the use of contemporary educational- information technologies. The article concludes that initiated with the support of the state the modernization and strengthening of Moslem formation cannot be reduced only to the short-term campaign, but must be considered as the most important long-term project.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1444134333.pdf
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3. Aleksandr V. Lyakhov, Samira G. Gadgiahmedova
Raising Valuable Resources of Individual Security to Resolve Students’ Conflicts by the Teacher

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2015, Vol.(5), Is. 3, pp. 116-122.
DOI: 10.13187/Zhmnp.2015.5.116CrossRef

The article highlights the need for improving practices in higher education student to overcome conflict. It is disclosed the destructive role of emerging conflicts between students, which entail a violation of psychological security at the level of the individual and the group. It is indicated that in addition to the use of a purely pedagogical and methodological means to overcome conflicts of student, the teacher should be able to attract internal resources for this conflict. As an important internal resource security were marked values formed from the parties to the conflict. The experimental method confirmes the connection of different values of safety and behavior strategies used in the conflict. It is alleged that the knowledge of this connection will allow the teacher to develop a system of pedagogical approaches to overcoming conflicts among students.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1444134546.pdf
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4. Ekaterina N. Pasko
The Peculiarities of the Use of Art Therapy Method in Work with Teenagers

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2015, Vol.(5), Is. 3, pp. 123-128.
DOI: 10.13187/Zhmnp.2015.5.123CrossRef

The article discusses the possibilities of art therapy in psychological guidance of self-discovery and development of teenagers. Method of art therapy is defined, the peculiarities of adolescence are revealed. Adolescents in therapeutic practice have the opportunity to discover their inner world through art therapy techniques. The material obtained in the course of art therapy work, is seen as a means of communication between a teenager and a psychologist.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1444134621.pdf
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5. Oksana V. Zosymenko
Project Activity: Categorical Analysis

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2015, Vol.(5), Is. 3, pp. 129-138.
DOI: 10.13187/Zhmnp.2015.5.129CrossRef

The article attempts to analyze the concept of categorical "project activity", which is considered as an innovative means of organizing the educational environment. The article presents the scientific approaches to the consideration of basic categories such as: "activities" and "project" and closely interrelated with its concepts – "design", "project learning" and "project method". Based on the analysis of these approaches to the basic categories is formulated the definition of "project activity". It was determined that the result and the product of design activity is the project.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1444134688.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1444134715.pdf
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