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«Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya» – pedagogy scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7294
Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.

Issued from 2014.

1 March 14, 2019

Articles and Statements

1. Irina Chelysheva
Hermeneutical Analysis of Feature Films of English-Speaking Countries on the Students’ Topic

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2019, 6(1): 3-13.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2019.1.3CrossRef

The article is devoted to the implementation of hermeneutic analysis of English-language feature films on a students’ topic. For this purpose, the article presents an interdisciplinary review of scientific publications on the problem under study, presents the results of scientific works of the researchers in the field of cultural studies, sociology, film criticism, and media criticism. The analysis was based on the scientific works of C. Bazalgette (Bazalgette, 1995), A. Silverblatt (Silverblatt, 2001), U. Eco (Eco, 1998, 2005), based on the key concepts of media education: "media agencies" , “media categories", "media technologies", "media languages", "media representations", "media audiences". The study outlines the main trends and transformational processes that occurred during the development of English-language films. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the main stereotypes presented in audiovisual media texts; key story models, characteristic for different stages of the development of cinematographic art of the ХХ–ХХI centuries; representative models of the most typical character characters in terms of ideological, value, life orientations, etc.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1552569263.pdf
Number of views: 1067      Download in PDF

2. Alexander Fedorov
Mass Media Literacy Education in Ukraine: XXI сentury

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2019, 6(1): 14-31.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2019.1.14CrossRef

Analyzing various aspects of the development of modern mass media literacy education in Ukraine, the author concludes that in recent years Ukrainian media educators have increasingly directed the development of mass media education in support of confrontation and ideological propaganda, while all the thematic blocks of media education programs should equally give the audience an idea that there are no ideal democratic states in the world with ideally objective mass media. That is why media literacy education activities need not ideological but sociocultural concepts (including, of course, both analytical and practical components) that allow the audience to comprehensively master the ambiguous world of media culture.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1552569307.pdf
Number of views: 1068      Download in PDF

3. Elena Muryukina
Mass Media Education in Ukraine (1992–2018)

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2019, 6(1): 32-42.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2019.1.32CrossRef

The article reviews the main stages in the development of mass media education in Ukraine from 1992 to 2018, the author analyzes the scientific works of leading Ukrainian media educators and researchers of media culture, the goals, theoretical foundations of models of mass media education. As a result, it was concluded that since 2014 the problem field of research of many Ukrainian media educators has been determined by the analysis of the state of media security of Ukraine, by studying the technology of conducting information and psychological wars. The author also studied a number of Ukrainian Internet sites on the problems of mass media education (analytical articles, notes, comments on media topics, interviews, talks, discussions). The article notes that in Ukraine there has been a transition from aesthetic and practical theories to the theories of development of critical thinking, defensive (anti-propagandistic) and media-ecological concepts.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1552569348.pdf
Number of views: 1042      Download in PDF

4. Roman Salny
Media Education in Armenia at the Present Stage

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2019, 6(1): 43-52.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2019.1.43CrossRef

The article is devoted to the modern concept of media education in Armenia. The author traces the connection of social and political processes in the country with the ideology of Armenian media education. The main events related to its development are described: conferences, symposia, seminars, manuals and training programs. The activity of public organizations and state structures developing media education is investigated. The activity of the center of media education and the center of media initiatives – the main coordinators of this pedagogical direction, formulating goals and objectives, preparing manuals and programs, organizing a dialogue between different expert communities. Comparison of social and political processes and positions of Armenian media pedagogues in the relations of the concept of media education allowed the author to draw conclusions about the absence of a clearly formulated media educational concept; journalistic approach to the development of media educational techniques; the prevalence of protectionist, practical approaches and the theory of critical thinking; the lack of criteria for assessing the level of media literacy. In the course of the analysis of the influence of foreign approaches, it is concluded that the Armenian media pedagogues narrow down the theory of critical thinking development in the world of media education. Its Armenian version has three main directions: political subtext, emotional coloring and possible goals of media agencies. The article provides examples of methods implemented in the framework of school courses, guidelines, creative tasks and problematic issues. They led to the conclusion that the Armenian media pedagogues ignored the qualitative level of media texts and their artistic component. The definition of the most important task of media education: protecting the audience from the negative impact of the media has led to the neglect of other equally important tasks formulated by the world's leading media education, for example, the development of aesthetic tastes and needs.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1552569392.pdf
Number of views: 1093      Download in PDF

5. Ekaterina Yu. Zharova
Was There the Influence of the University Statutes to the Development of Biological Science in Universities of Russian Empire?

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2019, 6(1): 53-68.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2019.1.53CrossRef

The author analyzes the University statutes to clarify the special articles that influenced on the development of science, especially biology. Each University statute focused on the functioning of the University as an educational institution, so science in the statutes is moved to the background. However, each statute had some paragraphs that were directly aimed at the successful development of scientific research in universities. However, in the statutes there weren’t so many such specialized paragraphs, as the main purpose of the University was to be education. If we abstract from educational stuff in the statutes, we can find paragraphs that were not directly aimed at the development of science, but indirectly they, however, influenced on the scientific life of universities.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1552569433.pdf
Number of views: 1071      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1552569461.pdf
Number of views: 1137      Download in PDF

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