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«Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya» – pedagogy scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7294
Publication frequency – once a year.

Issued from 2014.

1 June 25, 2023


1. Elena N. Kochetkova
Analysis of the Potential of Coupled Management in the Practice of Secondary Vocational Education

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(1): 3-11.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.3CrossRef

Changing conditions of development and modern requirements for the quality of training of specialists with secondary vocational education poses new challenges to the system of secondary vocational education aimed at developing the country's human resources potential. One of the reasons for the poor preparedness of middle-level specialists is the lack of practical training, low motivation to study and the need for knowledge; insufficient qualifications of the teaching staff. As one of the ways to solve the problem of training highly qualified specialists capable of solving the problems of economic and social development at their own level, the associated management of the process of formation of readiness for managerial activity as one of the key competencies is proposed. The mechanism for the formation of practical skills of managerial activity and interaction with the teacher is a workbook-diary, which allows for self-development and self-improvement not only for students, but also for teachers. Through the use of coupled management, the tasks of motivation for learning, formation of readiness for managerial activity, improvement of the quality of training, conscious and responsible attitude to results and informed decision-making are solved.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1700043637.pdf
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2. Elena N. Kochetkova
Coupled Management as a Tool for the Formation of Professional Values

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(1): 12-19.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.12CrossRef

The article discusses the issues of substantiating the need for the formation of professional values among middle-level specialists. Values serve as the basis for motivating human actions, both in personal and professional life, and motivation ensures the effectiveness of practical activities. A specialist with professionally important qualities, skills, experience and a value system that allows him to fully reveal his potential in the profession is reasonably considered highly qualified and, accordingly, in demand in any field of activity. The quality of professional activity directly depends on the quality of training of specialists. Vocational training is carried out in institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, and human potential, human resources are a priority direction for the development of the vocational education system, and not only on the part of the trainees, but also on the part of the teaching staff. As a tool for the formation of professional values, conjugate management is proposed, in which pedagogical interaction is based on the interpenetration of the activities of teachers and students, the relationship of pedagogical design and self-design, control and self-control, building relationships on the principles of equal cooperation, priority of coordination over subordination, production team. This approach allows both students and teachers to develop.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1700043709.pdf
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3. Denys А. Novikov
The Concept of An Universal Basic Income in Research Discourse: Implications for Labor and Social Law

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(1): 20-31.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.20CrossRef

The article studies the evolution of the UBI doctrines, reveals the concept of UBI from a critical standpoint, and defines the prospects for its research within the framework of the science of labor and social law. It is noted that the doctrine of the concept of UBI was revealed in the framework of the social-utopian and liberal branches of research. In the social-utopian aspect, the UBI concept is presented as an element of an ideal social structure that embodies ideas about equality and justice. The introduction of the social-utopian concept of UBI is impossible due to the insurmountable political and economic antagonisms of the capitalist world order. The liberal branch of research considers the ideological and economic tool for resolving the underlying problems of the market economy system in the concept of the UBI. At the present stage, the UBI is proposed as a universal tool for keeping a significant part of the population at a minimum sufficient level, who have lost the opportunity to earn money due to the widespread automation and informatization of production. As part of the criticism of the liberal branch of research on the UBI concept, the author highlights the psychological, economic and social aspects. According to the author, the science of labor and social law should be extremely careful about the concept of UBI. Scientists need to take into account all the possible risks of introducing UBI for the political, economic and social system of the state. The author believes that jurisprudence in the form of labor and social law should pay attention to criticism of the UBI researches and to the search for optimal solutions in the field of labor regulation and social security, consistent with the interests of employees. The latter should include the development of a phased mechanism for reducing the working hours and differentiating of social benefits.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1700043749.pdf
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4. Denys Novikov, Anna I. Zhukova
Criticism of the Theory of the Precariat as a “New Dangerous Class” From the Standpoint of Law Science

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(1): 32-40.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.32CrossRef

The article provides a critical analysis of the theory of the precariat as a "new dangerous class" from the standpoint of law science, namely the sectoral areas of labor and criminal law. The author argues that the precariat does not constitute a new socio-economic class. The author is convinced that the theory of the precariat, widely represented in Western sociological literature, builds a "new class" not on the basis of actual premises, but on the basis of the tasks of building a manipulated collective object to achieve radical goals and objectives. The author states that from the point of view of labor law, the precariat should be considered exclusively in the legal status of the unemployed and potential subjects of social partnership, which requires labor scientists to develop legal mechanisms for attracting them to work. From the point of view of criminal law, the precariat should be studied within the framework of crimes against state power.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1700043788.pdf
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5. Vladimir I. Shapovalov, Igor B. Shuvanov
The Success of the Activities of Employees with Different Expectations of the Image of the Head

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(1): 41-50.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.41CrossRef

The problem of the efficiency of work performance is not related to the technical or technological equipment of production, but, first of all, with the unused socio-psychological potential of employees. In the article, the expectation of the image of the head by employees acts as an unused potential that increases the success of the activity. Based on the analysis of literary sources, the main indicators of the overall success of employees are identified and the formula for calculating the desired indicator is given. The assessment of the level of expectation of the image of the head is based on the index of the inconsistency of the employees' assessment of the subjectively expected image of the head with the assessment of the image of the real head. To determine the success of the activities of employees with different expectations of the image of the head, a comparative analysis of the average values of success indicators in two contrasting groups of employees with high and low levels of expectations of the image of the head was carried out. In conclusion, the relationship between the overall success of the employees' activities and the level of expectation of the manager's image is determined. The resulting correlation coefficient r = -0.55 means that there is a noticeable negative relationship, that is, the greater the mismatch of the expectation of the image, the lower the success of the employees, and vice versa. The results obtained can be used in the training of managers, analysis and adaptation of their behavior to the conditions of a specific activity in order to optimize the system of interaction between the manager and subordinates.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1700043830.pdf
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URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1700043845.pdf
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