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«Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya» – pedagogy scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7294
Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.

Issued from 2014.

3 September 30, 2016

1. Sergey I. Degtyarev, Timur A. Magsumov
Officials of Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire at the Beginning of the XIX century: Materials for the Study

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2016, Vol.(9), Is. 3, pp. 81-92.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2016.9.81CrossRef

The paper presents the texts of eight documents, which highlight some aspects of service of public education department officials of the Russian Empire: carier start, transfer from one educational institution to another, career movement, rewards for service, etc. By their specificity, these documents are not unique, in fact, many of them can be classified as massive. But these materials show that by the beginning of the nineteenth century service in educational institutions was completely equated to the civilian public service and educational officials have been an integral part of the bureaucratic apparatus of the Russian Empire.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1477991823.pdf
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2. Veronica M. Grebennikova, Natalya I. Nikitina
Theoretical-Methodological and Socio-Pedagogical Foundations of Inclusive Education

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2016, Vol.(9), Is. 3, pp. 93-102.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2016.9.93CrossRef

The article examines the historical stages of the development of various models (exclusion, segregation, integration and inclusion) education of children with special educational needs, children with disabilities (HIA). Special attention is paid to the analysis of the scientific debate on the differentiation of the terms "inclusion (inclusive education) and integration (integrative education". Presents socio-pedagogical aspects (base) inclusive education, including, in particular, and principles of conductive pedagogy. Considered substantive-methodological basis of tutor support educational process in inclusive schools.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1477991930.pdf
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3. Dmitriy V. Kudinov
Short Outline of the History of the First Sumy Girls’ Gymnasium

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2016, Vol.(9), Is. 3, pp. 103-132.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2016.9.103CrossRef

The current article reveals the causes of the establishment of the first girls’ secondary school in Sumy together with the peculiarities of its further advancement. The issues of forming and development of gymnasium facilities, managerial and teaching staff, and students complement along with the organization of educational activity, arranging of didactic and disciplinary requirements represent separate units of the research. In order to demonstrate professional choices of school leavers, brief biographical data of some graduates is supplied.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1477991998.pdf
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4. Timur A. Magsumov, Sergey I. Degtyarev, Irina V. Kornilova
The Development of a Modern History Lesson

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2016, Vol.(9), Is. 3, pp. 133-144.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2016.9.133CrossRef

The article presents the development of a history lesson for 8th grade, which modeled on the requirements of FSES, the historical and cultural standard and in accordance with the Concept of new educational-methodical complex on national history. The submissions represent one of the possible variants of preparation of the technological map of the lesson to obtain certification graduates in the direction of preparation "Pedagogical education".

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1477992152.pdf
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5. Tatyana N. Solovyova, Andrey I. Cherepanov
Education of Kiev Province pre-reform period (Historical and Legal Aspects)

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2016, Vol.(9), Is. 3, pp. 145-153.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2016.9.145CrossRef

The article analyzes the development and establishment of education Kiev province, found that in the first half of the nineteenth century in Ukrainian lands within the Russian Empire, including in the Kiev province, the transition to the state education system under which applied four types of schools, parish, county, provincial and universities. Investigated that the legal status of educational institutions that prepare teachers for schools defined set of government documents, which included education statutes and regulations circulars that shaped state-legal mechanism to implement educational functions.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1477992275.pdf
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6. Nina D. Svitailo, Elena V. Kupenko
Project Technologies of Realization of Practice-Oriented Approach in Professional Training: Implementation of the International Experience

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya, 2016, Vol.(9), Is. 3, pp. 154-161.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2016.9.154CrossRef

A practice-oriented approach to training is considered in this article. This approach combines the learning process in higher education and various forms of practices at the workplace. Experience of Germany, Britain and France has been analyzed. The experimental model of using design technologies implementation practice-oriented approach to training is presented in this article. According to this model, dating phase and the beginning of cooperation with the relevant subjects of education enterprises / organizations realized through the trial practice and business games. Then goes phase of matching and doing the job – through design technology in education, the creation of complete educational products, which at the same time are the products that are of interest for implementation in partner organizations and enterprises. Stage of assessment of learning outcomes is realized through traditional procedures of defending diploma projects, as well as innovative crash-test procedures, self-activity of students. Debatable for higher education institutions that are in the way of the introduction of practice-oriented approach to training is the question of the areas of responsibility for the learning outcomes of each of the parties involved.

URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1477992507.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal18.com/journals_n/1477992539.pdf
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