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«Журнал Министерства народного просвещения» – педагогический научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-7294
Периодичность – 1 раз в год.

Издается с 2014 года.

2 December 20, 2023


1. Irina S. Klyuchevskaya
Current Trends in the Employee Training for Organizations

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(2): 53-61.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.53CrossRef

The article examines the problems associated with the directions of work of companies in the field of personnel training in 2024. The main directions of work in the field of employee training are identified. First of all, this is strengthening the relationship between business and personnel training and development, which is mainly aimed at adapting new employees, eliminating the company’s weaknesses, improving staff qualifications and developing leadership skills, as well as strengthening team spirit and creating a personnel reserve. Secondly, it is improving the working skills of employees, mainly through the development of management competencies and technological skills. Motivation in the company to develop the competencies of employees occurs mainly through the construction of a reward system. Developing and improving a learning culture is currently one of the bottlenecks, with only about a third of organizations having one as such, but developing one is high on the list of priorities for many companies. A hybrid approach and multimodal training format, which means that almost two thirds of companies develop their own training content. In general, corporate training is perceived positively by both employers and employees. It ensures high-quality and efficient performance by employees of their work functions, increasing employee loyalty, and improving relationships within the team.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1710177590.pdf
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2. Tatyana Yu. Krotenko
Multi-Vector Influence and Interaction in Professional Education

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(2): 62-65.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.62CrossRef

The article discusses the unique aspects and potential applications of immersive technologies in the field of vocational education. Immersive learning environments in vocational education have several key properties. Firstly, it is constructible, allowing you to model and predict elements of the professional reality of a future specialist. Secondly, it is holistic, presenting the multidimensional content of professional activity in its unity. And finally, it has a high degree of motivation, stimulating educational interests and motivation for professional fulfillment. An increase in the level of motivation is achieved thanks to such a property of immersive technologies as gamification. Students perceive immersion in the system as a game, which provokes curiosity and a creative approach. Of course, professional learning in immersive environments is based on fundamental and indisputable principles developed by pedagogical science.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1710177626.pdf
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3. Marina А. Maznichenko, Ekaterina A. Krasa
The Collective and Group Identity of Younger Adolescents: Self-Esteem and Pedagogical Conditions of Formation

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(2): 66-78.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.66CrossRef

The purpose of the article is to study the manifestations of group and collective identity in early adolescence and to describe the pedagogical conditions for the formation of collective identity. The article clarifies the concepts of social, group and collective identity from pedagogical positions in relation to younger adolescence. The features of manifestations and actual forms of collective identity in early adolescence are described. The results of teenagers' self-assessment of their group affiliation are presented. The key problems hindering the formation of collective identity are identified. The necessity of purposeful formation of collective identity as an urgent task of educating younger teenagers is substantiated. The pedagogical conditions of its formation are described. The conducted research allowed us to draw the following conclusions. Younger adolescence is sensitive to the formation of group and collective identity. At this age, it is important to focus on the formation of collective identity as an aspiration to consciously and independently choose groups of belonging, actively participate in determining group norms and values, in the formation of group subjectivity, in initiating and performing various types of collective activities aimed at others and for others. Younger teenagers consider themselves to belong to various groups, the most popular among which are family, a group of friends, Russian citizens, residents of their city, and a group on social networks. The largest proportion of teenagers notes a strong emotional connection with their family, residents of their city and country, and representatives of their nationality. Teenagers experience positive emotions in relation to these groups, as well as in relation to communities of interest. A classroom, a school community, a yard company, and children's public organizations are less likely to evoke positive emotions and a strong emotional connection. Less than half of teenagers are actively involved in the affairs and events of belonging groups. The largest number of teenagers feels free, comfortable and safe in their family, their own country and city, with representatives of their nationality, as well as in the company of friends. Much fewer teenagers feel psychological comfort in the classroom, at school, in a children's organization, or in a group on social networks. Most teenagers consider themselves accepted in membership groups, with the exception of the teenage subculture. The most accepting group for teenagers is the family. In the classroom, school, yard company, social media group, interest group, children's public organization, a little more than half of teenagers consider themselves accepted. The degree of acceptance differs in different classes and depends on the relationship in the group. The obtained results of teenagers' self-assessment of their group affiliation showed the need for purposeful formation of collective identity, starting from early adolescence. The article presents the pedagogical conditions of such formation.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1710177697.pdf
Number of views: 35      Download in PDF

4. Vlad G. Mushkin
The Pedagogical Conditions of Scenario-Situational Modeling of Professional Training of Future College Lawyers

Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 2023. 10(2): 79-87.
DOI: 10.13187/zhmnp.2023.10.79CrossRef

The pedagogical conditions of scenario-situational modeling of professional training of future lawyers in the college allow you to structure this process, indicating its logic and integrity. Their definition is an urgent problem of modern theory and practice. The article examines theoretical approaches to the organization of experimental work in terms of solving urgent problems of improving the quality of professional training of middle-level lawyers in terms of the paradigm of integrating jurisprudence and pedagogy. The material presents a theoretical analysis of the conceptual construction of an innovative educational process for the formation of basic elements of professional training, including components of the professional culture of the future lawyer in various fields of the socio-humanitarian sphere; theoretical and practical components of the concept of “professional readiness” in relation to the system of secondary vocational education are considered, including an overview of the characteristics and features of the professional culture of a mid-level lawyer, one of the key elements of which is “professional competencies”. On the basis of the federal state educational and professional standards of the SOW in the direction of “Jurisprudence”, in order to select data for the classification of personal qualities and professional competencies included in the structure of “readiness” of college students to fulfill functional requirements, the characteristics of these personal neoplasms were determined. Theoretical and experimental data made it possible to identify and group the pedagogical conditions for modeling the process of forming the professional readiness of law college students for practical activities, which include, on the basis of the author's approach, organizational, methodological and personality-oriented components of the implementation of the experimental educational process.

URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1710177754.pdf
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URL: https://zmnp.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1710177766.pdf
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